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Benefits of Anodised Aluminium

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Benefits of Anodised Aluminium

The process of aluminium anodising adds a layer of oxidation to aluminium extrusion products. The anodising process actually enhances the properties of aluminium, unlike iron or carbon steel where oxidation creates a layer of rust or corrosion.


Anodising and hard anodizing


Anodising aluminium is performed using a series of bath treatments, preparation, anodising, colouring (when required) and sealing. This type of anodising adds a film between 5 and 25 microns thick. Hard anodising is defined as producing an oxide layer that is more than 25 microns thick and gives the metal a greater hardness. The purpose of hard anodising is to create a thicker wear surface, improve electrical resistance, improve corrosion resistance and create a more wear-resistance surface.


Properties of anodised aluminium


Anodised aluminium is regarded as a high performance metal which requires minimal maintenance and if it is well preserved, will not peel or chip. The hard, oxidised layer becomes a part of the aluminium itself, creating many beneficial properties:


• Durability: As anodised aluminium products have a protective layer, they are more resistant to wear from normal handling and usage.

• Finishing: Anodising creates a more aesthetically pleasing finish, with either a clear or coloured appearance. Natural anodising is the most widely used, giving a smooth transparent coating.

• Corrosion resistance: The thick outer coating increases the corrosion resistivity of the surface as it prevents further oxidisation.

• Lasting Colour: The colouring added to anodised aluminium is more enduring due to the surface having more adhesive and porous qualities. The resulting film coating allows for effective dyeing processes to be applied. Anodising aluminium can be done in a broad range of colours.

• Strength: The anodised surface acts harder than the pure aluminium, second only to diamonds in respect to its hard crystalline structure.

• Applications for Aluminium Anodising

• Anodised aluminium has a wide range of commercial, domestic and industrial applications across a wide range of industries. The key advantages of this strong, resistant finish are beneficial to parts used in aircraft and automotive products. Construction projects often use anodised aluminium to external structures, as they are capable of withstanding all types of weather. Satellites orbiting the Earth can be protected from the impact of debris and the smallest appliances and decorative items in our homes can be improved by using anodising aluminium. Aluminium anodising is safe, non-toxic and is not hazardous to human health.


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